115C Business Coupe. Lars Ove O. (S)
115C Touring Sedan. Ari S (FIN)
115C Touring Sedan. Jens P (S)
115C Touring Sedan. Kent C (S)
115C. Touring Sedan. Mats F (S)
120C Club Sedan Kirsi S (FIN)
120C Convertible Coupe. Johan B. (S)
120C Touring Sedan. Anders N (S)
120C Touring Sedan. Arne Iver B (N)
120C Touring Sedan. Peter L (S)
120C Touring Sedan. Ari R (FI)
120C Convertible Coupe. Hans G F (N)
120C Convertible Sedan. Sergey (RUS)
120CD Touring Coupe. Hans Henrik T (DK)
1502 Ambulans Rolf W. (S)
1508 Convertible Sedan. Harald N-L (N)
1508 Touring Limousine. Per Arne S (N)
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